The recent leaked documents from Wikileaks have been making the
public more aware of the shady dealings in the Trans-Pacific
Partnership. The TPP's Atlantic cousin--the Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP)--is also an anti-democratic corporate
giveaway dressed up in "free trade" rhetoric.
USTR Michael Froman, whose confirmation Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren opposed because of his lack of transparency, has been purportedly lobbying the EU
to accept North American tar sands. As part of its plan for emissions
reduction, the EU adopted a Fuel Quality Directive, which requires a 6
percent reduction in emissions from transportation fuels like gasoline
and diesel by 2020. In order to put this into practice, the EU is
considering a proposal to assign different values to fuels based on
their emissions. Bitumen, the oil extracted from tar sands, has 12 to 40
percent higher life-cycle emissions than standard crude oil. The
Keystone XL pipeline has not yet been approved, but if it is approved,
it will need an export market. And that's what Froman is trying to
In response, a group of 21 Democrats--6 senators and 15
representatives--led by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Henry
Waxman (CA-33) have sent a letter
to USTR Froman expressing concerns that his actions are directly
undercutting the goals expressed in the President's Climate Action Plan.
The five senators who joined Whitehouse are Barbara Boxer (D-CA),
Dick Durbin (D-IL), Ed Markey (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Elizabeth
Warren (D-MA).
The 14 representatives who joined Waxman are the following:
Judy Chu (CA-27)
Steve Cohen (TN-09)
John Conyers (MI-13)
Pete DeFazio (OR-04)
Anna Eshoo (CA-18)
Sam Farr (CA-20)
Raul Grijalva (AZ-03)
Rush Holt (NJ-12)
Barbara Lee (CA-13)
Alan Lowenthal (CA-47)
Jerry Nadler (NY-10)
Mark Pocan (WI-02)
Louise Slaughter (NY-25)
Pete Welch (VT)
The full text of the letter is below.
December 20, 2013
Ambassador Michael Froman
Office of the United States Trade Representative
600 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20508
Dear Ambassador Froman:
We write to you today to raise our concerns about the Office of the
United States Trade Representative’s position on the European Union’s
Fuel Quality Directive (FQD). Recent reports suggest that USTR has
pressed the European Commission to alter its proposed treatment of tar
sands crude oil in the FQD. If these reports are accurate, USTR’s
actions could undercut the EU’s commendable goal of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions in its transportation sectors. This would be contrary to
the principles of the Obama Administration’s Climate Action Plan and
would reflect a short-sighted view of the United States’ economic
interests. Given the importance of the issues at stake, we believe
clarification of USTR’s position is necessary.
Tar sands products have a significantly worse carbon footprint than
other petroleum products. The State Department’s Draft Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL pipeline northern
route acknowledges, for example, that Canadian tar sands bitumen
produces 17% more carbon pollution, on a lifecycle basis, compared with
the average crude refined in the United States, and 22% more carbon
pollution when the estimate accounts for the full range of products
produced from a barrel of tar sands crude.[1] Just shifting from the
average crude to tar sands crude in the amount that would be carried by
the Keystone XL pipeline would raise U.S. carbon pollution by 1215
million metric tons over the next 50 years.[2] According to the
Administration’s estimate, the social cost of carbon rises from $37 per
MTCO2e in 2015 to $71 per MTCO2e in 2050.[3] This single source of tar
sands products, therefore, could produce more than $70 billion in
additional damages associated with climate change over 50 years, the
costs of which will be partially borne by U.S. businesses and
investments worldwide.
According to the World Trade Organization, the United States raised
the FQD at the October 2013 meeting of the Technical Barriers to Trade
(TBT) Committee. The U.S., along with Canada, “argued that all
globally-traded petroleum products should be treated without
discrimination, in line with Article 2.1 of the TBT Agreement, and urged
the EU to consider less trade-restrictive approaches to achieve its
In response to questions regarding the treatment of tar sands oil in
the FQD from a House Ways & Means Committee hearing, you expressed
concern with the level of transparency and public participation in the
FQD’s development. You further stated that you “raised these issues
with senior Commission officials on several occasions, including in the
context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
[and] continue to press the Commission to take the views of
stakeholders, including U.S. refiners, under consideration as they
finalize these amendments.”[5]
These reports are troubling. A policy of pressuring the EU to alter
its FQD would be inconsistent with the goals of the Administration’s
Climate Action Plan. As the Plan outlines, one of its three “key
pillars” is “for the United States to couple action at home with
leadership internationally. America must help forge a truly global
solution to this global challenge by galvanizing international action to
significantly reduce emissions (particularly among the major emitting
countries), prepare for climate impacts, and drive progress through the
international negotiations.”[6] We strongly agree with the carbon
reduction goals of the President’s Plan, both at home and abroad.
Given the substantial harm that tar sands crude oil poses to the
climate and the United States’ long-term economic well-being, as well as
the potential conflict with President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, we
request that you provide us a statement of USTR’s position on the EU’s
Fuel Quality Directive.
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